The 7 Personality Types summarised -the Action roles

This is Part 4 of The 7 Personality Types summarised. As explained there, this post will explain the action roles in detail.


Danai Gurira as Michonne, Walking Dead

Warriors are the action men and women. Like Priests they feel a need for purpose and their desire is to “get shit done!!!” Because of this attitude they’re very productive and often successful. Historically warriors (the job* not the role) were the protectors of their people, and all warriors (the role not the job*) feel like they have a “territory” to be defended from threats. This territory can be a place, object or people s/he cares about. Despite the stereotype, good warriors don’t start fights willy-nilly because they understand that anything can happen in a fight. Neither victory nor defeat is ever guaranteed. They also tend to be good-natured, even gentle! But if they don’t like you they will make sure you know it. They’re also very good at maintaining professionality and sticking within boundaries. If you tell them to be somewhere at 7am they will be there at 7am, and will only be late if it’s been agreed or approved beforehand.

* Not only do individual people have personality types, so do whole societies. This is what culture is about, the reproduction of certain values and behaviours. Warrior cultures include the Mino a.k.a. Dahomey Amazons, ancient Rome & Sparta, Sikhism, Vikings, Sierra Leone under Bai Bureh‘s rule, samurai-era Japan, and the current Western corporate world. 

With the competing perspective warriors see the world starkly divided into good and evil (e.g. George Bush’s “you’re either with us or against us”). With the relationship & philosophical perspectives, they’re drawn to protecting the victims until they learn that giving them the tools to defend themselves is much better. Either way, they’ll be extremely loyal to those they care about and defend them tenaciously.

They make up about 18% of the global population, and despite their ordinal axis they have a huge impact on events and people. That’s because of their willingness to take action. They’re usually easy to spot even if you’re only seeing their back: standing up straight, always on the move, broad shoulders/ chest, head and eyes pointed straight forward. Even if not military trained the march feels pretty comfortable to them. Though they love to have fun they’re much blunter than sages. Warrior women may be mistaken for men on the phone, and tend to prefer being around men than women. They have the most in-your-face and unwavering body language, even more than kings (see below). And yes, true to stereotype they do keep themselves physically fit and it shows:

And yes they indisputably make the best sports players, playing fair and sticking to the rules.


In the workplace the only difficulty warriors may face, whether as employees or as bosses, is sticking to routines. They love challenges and novelty. They excel in pretty much any job that gives scope for lots of physical activity, such as sports, sports coaching, gardening, massage or physiotherapy, as well as ones with clear codes of conduct including teaching, admin, management, retail, trade and childcare. Long-distance truck driving and piloting are also great favourites as they satisfy the warrior’s need to be always on the move. If in the arts & media they tend to be agents and managers to bring order to the artisans’ chaos (though they do make good stuntsmen and actors, especially in action films – unsurprisingly), and in journalism they’ll be on the front line like in a war zone. As writers they love the action/adventure, crime & courtroom-drama genres.

Warriors tend to not give a shit about fashion. Whether cheap or expensive, they like clothes to be durable, practical and worth the money. They tend to be houseproud, keeping everything clean, neat and organised (and may even actively enjoy cleaning), but even if it’s a little scruffy and untidy they know where everything is and can lay their hands on it instantly. They like everything to be literally at-hand and expect others to be the same. Though they like socialising, only their closest most trusted friends will be allowed into their home. They’re typically strong and silent, not wasting words, getting straight to the point, and mainly talk either to give orders or ask for orders. They’re very well-known for their war metaphors, which others (especially artisans & sages) may find offensive, rude, intimidating, etc. However they’re not trying to offend (unless they’re pissed off), and may instead be testing you to see how ballsy you are. They tend to be touchy-feely when talking, which is something men especially need to watch out for in the workplace. Even if they’re in the wrong they have an almost sage-like ability to blaze through an argument like they’ve already won, backed by a mountainous self-assuredness that often does win people over. They hate vague, subtle, ambivalent or indirect language. They’re amazingly sensitive to criticism (even if they agree they need it!), and even more so when people cross the line with them – for example not replying to invites or showing any signs of disloyalty.

They’re more resistant to illness than others, having strong constitutions and a high level of attentiveness to their bodies. It’s much more likely they’ll get injured rather than sick, but if they do fall ill they hate to be stuck in bed and will instead try to “sweat it out” or otherwise remain active. Even as children they’re like this, rarely if ever taking sick days. It takes a very stern doctor/ boss/ parent to force them to take it easy. Retirement is pointless because they’ll carry on “getting shit done!!!” right to the very end. And they don’t fear death.

If you’re immortal like Hidan, fearing death is also pretty pointless

Unlike kings, they tend to care more about the goals and results than the means taken to achieve them. As leaders they’re very good but – perhaps ironically – prefer to be on the receiving end of instructions. Diplomacy and sensitivity to others’ needs aren’t usually their strongest points, but will learn if properly sat down and have it clearly explained to them. Despite their ordinal axis they make the best teamplayers of all the roles, and are equally adaptable to working independently. They make very good one-on-one friends (in accordance with their ordinal axis), and there’s nothing they like more than a friend who defends them and wins. However, romance can be an alien experience. They like partners who make an effort for them but may struggle to reciprocate (especially men). Despite this they have no problem with sex, as they see it as a way to establish trust. First physical, then emotional and spiritual. A warrior woman will find the stereotypical feminine role stupid and is likely to make the first move in a relationship, and if the partner likes strong women and stands up to her she’ll be totally loyal to him/ her. Warrior husbands make excellent providers, but may take traditional gender-based labour division a bit too seriously while warrior wives often want to switch them round.

Warriors make awesome parents, in terms of listening to kids’ problems, providing food/ shelter/ clothing, teaching them manners & discipline, and defending them from bullies. As children warriors love activity and being outdoors, so it’d be hard to see them inside reading, playing video games or watching TV all afternoon. They especially love going on adventures in little gangs (most often as the leader), and girls will be tomboys. Even if not academically minded warriors get on well in school* because of their sense of duty and don’t-fuck-with-me attitude.

* Well, boys do. Girls may have problems because they’re seen as “masculine” or “not a real girl”.

Warrior boys are often very successful with dating, apart from if they’re overly blunt or insensitive to more traditional girls. Girls and boys alike tend to leave home and school early, wanting independence early to make their mark in the world. They maintain contact with family members and send money back home unless they’ve had particularly bad experiences with family.

The positive pole is persuasion! Warriors are among the best salespeople, able to sell anything to anyone (even if they do overestimate themselves a bit). Also, because of their “get shit done!!!” attitude projects get started AND FINISHED! Very helpful when people aren’t finishing stuff due to laziness, fear of failure or stubbornness. The negative pole is coercion. They want to “get shit done!!!” and nothing or no-one will stop them. At the relationship & philosophical perspective it’s pretty raw. The boss who demands employees to work through holidays, breaks and sick days is most likely this, even if s/he does apologise afterward. It’s worst at the rule-bound and competing perspectives where they can become bullying, cruel and outright violent. To them it’s totally justified because that’s how life is (in their heads). If it goes further they may identify with or enjoy death and destruction itself, seeing it as their actual purpose in life.

Not that that’s necessarily a bad thing. I’m just saying.

The negative pole can also manifest as poor performance. This happens when they feel bored, unmotivated or haven’t found their purpose. They’ll either become total slobs, hatch little schemes here and there or abandon projects partway through for whatever promises more action. Luckily, if someone stands up to them they’re more willing than most to confront problems head on – even their own. And they greatly respect people who stand up to them and/or give them the boot up the ass to go back to “getting shit done!!!

The biggest challenge for warriors is to learn that not everything can or should be fought. For those in the competing perspective they’d do well to learn that win-win situations are better than the zero-sum gain (I win therefore you must lose). If you are a warrior choosing to get professional help, you may find life coaching and cognitive behavioural therapy more useful than counselling because of their focus on action. Meditation can help too but again the more active forms, as well as martial arts.



Queen Nzinga Mbande of Ndongo & Matamba, 17th century Angola

(Yes, women can substitute for queen if  they prefer. Just remember to ensure it’s queen regent not queen consort)

Kings are natural leaders. Everything they do and say has an authoritativeness that makes others defer to them, even if they’re trying to keep it on the low. Everybody wants to be/ thinks they are a king. Those who actually are kings (which is only 2% of the whole human population!) know it’s not as great as it seems, due to the amount of responsibilities, expectations and nitty-gritty details they have to constantly juggle. Leadership is a very high-energy business and it’s easy to exhaust yourself. As the most cardinal of all the roles, kings have the greatest influence over the greatest number of people. They see the big picture and long-term potential of everything and take account of the steps needed to make it happen. Therefore they want their plans to be damn-near perfect and can be harsh on people who don’t live up to their standards. Being realistic, even ruthlessly so, is a given, and nothing is more obvious than “if you don’t control your life someone else will.”

They have a strange tendency to get the best seats wherever they go, as if they’re finding their throne. Despite their longing for stability they’re amazingly good at trendsetting, finding new and better ways of doing things before even scholars. Rulebooks are only as good as they help further the king’s plans, otherwise…


Even as kids they don’t understand the concept of taking life lightly, feeling like they have a calling that must be answered. Teen angst and insecurities are a total waste of time, and they feel driven to succeed and master at least one particular field. King children also take great issue with being forced to do something they don’t want to, and even expect to be deferred to – this is hilarious when the parents are also Kings! They almost feel uncomfortable in their bodies, as if they were supposed to be fully-grown adults from birth. At school and home they take on adult responsibilities early, e.g. helping with chores, paying bills, looking after siblings. Even as adults they may feel too big or powerful for the place they’re in or people they’re surrounded by.

Despite their uncanny similarities to warriors they’re much more diplomatic and aware of others’ sensitivities, and understand better than most how little things can make huge differences. They also comprehend the connections and relationships between things and account for all of that in their strategies. Their desire for long-term success puts them at odds with the current political and entrepreneurial spheres, which prioritise immediate or short-term gain.

Kings can either be very easy or very hard to spot (depending on their secondary role). They attract people with their authoritativeness and charisma, and subconsciously take up as much space in the room as they can – legs sprawled apart, arms outstretched, crowds making way for them. This is regardless of their height and frame; even if they’re a 4’2″ stick insect they’ll have the same impact which makes it very easy to forget their size. Their voices are loud and clear so shouting isn’t necessary. To some it sounds like they’re giving orders when they’re only asking where the toilet is! They speak concisely and directly, not engaging in small talk unless it’s part of their job. Apart from work uniforms or formal events kings don’t really care about fashion, and tend to set the tone wherever they go. If they’re casual everyone else will feel overdressed, and if smart everyone else will feel like tramps.

Apart from the occasional conversation and banter kings aren’t well-known for humour, and they hate being the butt of the joke. If you’re not of their most trusted comrades they’re very good at keeping you at a distance, and if you do meet them face to face don’t expect them to treat you as an equal. With the relationship perspective kings are much more attentive to their interpersonal skills, emotional intelligence and others’ opinions of them. Though they will tone it down if told they’re encroaching, don’t belittle or interrupt them. Especially not in public.

African American woman screaming and pointing her finger
You got that?

Like warriors their health is much more likely to suffer from injury than illness. Their energy and stamina is much greater than most people’s, enabling them to push past their own limits. If they do fall ill they prefer to self-medicate and/or stay active regardless instead of just going to the doctor or taking it easy. However, they take physical fitness very seriously so this is seldom an issue. Their stamina means they can withstand failure and losses much better than others, and when they make decisions it may look like a foolish gamble but their instincts rarely let them down. To them risks are fun & worthwhile, and they like start-ups and solving problems instead of having everything already in place for them.

Apparently kings love being in nature, especially at the philosophical perspective. Who knew?


Kings are present in all work sectors, but obviously like to be in charge. They want status and power, but if for some reason they can’t have both they’d take power over status any day. They especially like being hoteliers, media moguls, CEOs, business consultants and troubleshooters. Though they demand total loyalty and enormous dedication from subjects slaves employees*, they give them wide scope for independence and will reward their successes handsomely. Huge bonuses/ pay rises, unlimited expense accounts, Rolls Royces, all-expenses-paid trips round the world, you name it!

* Despite the stereotype and their desire to delegate, good kings don’t like the company of yes-men or pushovers. They want people who’ll challenge and stretch their thinking in new ways. 

Ironically, as employees they may not get promoted to the position they want/ deserve because they feel it’s “undignified” to have to compete for leadership! They’d rather be invited to lead. If they feel unsatisfied they’ll take as long as they want to work out their next step. They hate wasting time doing stuff they don’t enjoy, so telling them to just “do anything in the meantime” won’t work. Precision is important to them. At the philosophical perspective they may lose interest in leadership altogether, but their reputation & expertise keeps them in high demand.

Romance is the area kings struggle most with, even more than warriors. They rarely take time to polish their flirting skills, and though they can spark lots of interest they struggle to make it progress to anything serious. Also, their perfectionism and decisiveness may scare people away, especially female kings*. They have a high appetite for all physical pleasures, including sex. If they do manage to settle down they expect total faithfulness, even if they’re off cheating ’cause they “can’t get none at home.” (This is very unlikely at the relationship perspective) King husbands are usually good providers. King wives tend to find like-minded husbands a pain in the ass because they try to relegate them to the kitchen, so house husbands normally work better for them. Kings often see their kids as heirs and will push them to carry on the family trade, and reward “defiance” with excommunication or removal from their will. They expect (and get) a lot from their kids, but this depends a lot on their perspective. If they do it well the kids will love and hero-worship them forever.

* Luckily Makeda Queen of Sheba never had this issue with Solomon.

The  positive pole is mastery. Whatever they set their mind to, they want to not just get good but get GODDAMN AWESOME! The negative pole is, perhaps unsurprisingly, tyranny. They’re very vengeful and never forget a wrong, no matter how slight. They’re menacing, intolerant of mistakes and weaknesses, and will punish or exile you with no hesitation. And they demand you to work as hard as they can, which for some may lead to dropping dead every once in a while.

To get back out of their negative pole, others around them would do well to remember that no matter how tyrannical they get you don’t have to do fuck-all for them. Though it’s most often warriors that have the balls to say that to their faces, everyone would benefit from refusing the tyrant’s orders. Furthermore, despite their impeccable planning they don’t always have the clearest view of a situation, especially in more intimate and immediate areas where ordinal roles (warrior, server & artisan) would work better. On top of that, forcing people to doing their bidding works against them in the long run. No-one can stay productive when they’re unhappy, so trying to keep their subjects slaves employees happy should be a priority. Kings don’t like asking for help, but once they see its benefits they’ll stick with it all the way. They would also gain much from learning to not scorn human weaknesses, which their strength and perfectionism make them prone to do. Like with warriors, action-oriented therapies work better like CBT and life coaching.

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