Tag Archives: science

REPOST: John Magufuli: Death of an African freedom fighter, confronted Big Pharma and the corrupt Covid cabal


Masculine & feminine

Should not be as different as men & women are

Because men & women are not that different.

Back when we were breathing

Through our navels instead of our lungs,

Girls & boys couldn’t be told apart.

Why split our oxygen supply into two again

With this belief of masculine vs. feminine?

Yeah, why?

It might be politically incorrect

To believe the battle of the sexes can reach a solution,

But break the female party and the male party down to their constituents

And you’ll see they have correspondent members:

In puberty women’s busts went through a boom phase

While the prostate is a womb in recession.

The ballsack is the vagina’s left & right wings in alliance

To arrest the ovaries when they descend into testosterone-fuelled anarchy,

And the penis is a clitoris stuck in permanent inflation.

That’s why its pleasure is valued less.

The Qur’an calculates men having “a degree” over women

(Suwrah 4 ayah 34)

But that doesn’t add up

‘Cause women have the same number of hormones as us.

On the chromosomal level

X + X = viable,

X + Y = viable,

X + nothing = viable,

Y + nothing = extinct.

Can any religion minus that factor from their formulae

And still equal sexual justice?

If it could the god of Abraham would’ve commanded us

To lop off our penises and sow our scrotums up

As the God of cultural aesthetics commands us

To lop off girls’ clitorises and sow up their labia

But the God of human whims dictates that

Such misandry is not allowed.


Now the pendulum of culture is swinging again

Away from men’s rule over women

– But which direction is it swinging?

© One Tawny Stranger, May 2015

Ice, water, vapour & what?!?

Once again science is amazing. A few weeks ago I happened upon this concept, and being the type who gets fascinated by uncommon knowledge, I’m going to share it.

In school everyone is taught about the 3 phases of matter: liquid, gas & solid. As far as most people are concerned that’s it, nothing else. However, it’s not quite as straightforward as that. Gels, for example, are liquid but behave like solids. Plasma is considered a separate phase altogether because it’s ionised (contains electrically-charged particles, aka. ions) and reacts to electromagnetic fields, unlike normal gases.

However, I’m not talking about gels or plasma. I’m talking about…

Probably the most underrated molecule on the planet…

…until it does this (Note: I did not make this picture)


Water has 3 phases: solid (ice), gas (vapour), and liquid (water). However, Dr Gerald Pollack, PhD, has authored a book called The Fourth Phase of Water, which talks about a 4th phase. It’s an intermediate phase known as EZ water, structured water or living water. It has different properties to normal water:

  • Its chemical formula is not H2O, but H3O2
  • It has a negative electric charge
  • It’s alkaline and more viscous
  • It maintains a structure, and this structure is designed to prevent other molecules from entering its location (hence why it’s called EZ, or exclusion zone, water)

And he knows what he’s talking about. Not only has he authored that book, he also is the editor-in-chief and founder of the journal Water, has written many peer-reviewed papers on the topic, and is a professor of bioengineering at the University of Washington.

Gerald Pollack

Because of the negative charge it acts much like a battery, able to store and dispense energy to living creatures. And before you bug your nearest Tesco or Holland & Barrett for news on where to find it, it’s actually pretty much ubiquitous. In fact, it’s the MAIN form of water in living organisms’ cells (most of them) and in extracellular fluid. It’s what gives the cell membranes their negative charge (according to Dr Pollack), and it’s involved in just about every single metabolic process in the body! Yet almost no-one knows about it, including most doctors, physicists, lab scientists and science teachers!

How does it get there? It actually converts from normal H2O under the influence of… light. Yes, light! This makes it ridiculously easy to obtain! Although all wavelengths have this effect, the most powerful ones are the infrared (IR) range, especially at a wavelength of 3 micrometres. And this is all around us, therefore easy to obtain.

Not only that, it’s an intermediate form between ice and liquid water. This means that even when we melt ice or freeze water, it has to change into H3O2 first. This probably explains the paradox of why you can have any given amount of water and end up with more after melting or freezing it, because in the intermediate state it builds up layers of the molecules (assuming the IR light is present). This occurs in the lab and in the natural outdoors, which explains why many people report glacial water as being so refreshing.

I said glacial water, numbnuts!


(ALSO AVAILABLE AT http://fleecyheadmilagrero.blogspot.co.uk/2013/10/ice-water-vapour-what.html)
Related articles

(Disclaimer: I don’t know how strongly related these articles are, I just thought they may make interesting further reading)

Skin colour has no impact on vitamin D status

To explain this, a bit of background science is needed. This is quite technical so if you’re not so scientifically minded, you can skip this bit:

The body produces a fat-soluble prohormone called vitamin D3, aka. calcitriol, which has numerous benefits for the body. It is a precursor of other vital hormones, enables proper absorption of calcium & phosphorus from the gut and proper “cementing” of them in the bones, prevents cancer (yes, even skin cancer, as long as you’re not letting yourself burn & expose yourself to the sun regularly), and regulates the immune system.

We can get it from eating mushrooms (they contain ergocalciferol aka. D2, which we can convert to D3), fish (WITH the bones!), beef liver, egg yolk or foods fortified with it such as milk & dairy. However, the absolute best way for us to get it is through being exposed to the sun or by going on a safe tanning bed. The body naturally makes vitamin D3 in the skin from cholesterol* (or more specifically 7-dehydrocholesterol), which circulates in the blood until it reaches the liver where it is converted to calcidiol, then is turned into the active form calcitriol either by the immune system or the kidneys.


* Yes, cholesterol is important for many many functions in the human body. Despite what the media and supermarket ads say, there has never been a proven link between cholesterol and heart disease. Most people don’t even realise that about 75% of the cholesterol in the body is made by the body – meaning only 25% comes from food!


There’s a common belief that the darker your skin is, the more difficult it is for your skin to produce D3, especially in less equatorial/ less sunny climates. The common explanation is that melanin dramatically decreases the amount of solar UV radiation that reaches the layers of the skin where cholesterol is converted, and this is an adaptive response to stop excess UV rays being absorbed and causing sunburn. However, according to the articles below this is flawed. Melanin seemingly bears no correlation to D3 production, as traditionally living African groups (Hadzabe & Maasai were the ones studied) had on average 115nmol/l (nanomoles per litre) of D3 in their blood – well above the currently accepted safe upper limit of 80nmol/l. Also, it seems genetic factors other than pigmentation account for the D3 status of ‘white’ people (ie. variants of genes controlling cholesterol synthesis, hydroxylation & vitamin D transport).

http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayAbstract?fromPage=online&aid=8735073 (note – this one is just an abstract)



http://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(10)60635-6/fulltext (note – this one you either have to sign up to The Lancet or pay to view)

It’s little snippets of new research and scientific findings like these that advance human knowledge in the right direction. However, it’ll likely take at least 20 to 50 years for this to become common knowledge. Although new things are discovered by science pretty much daily, it takes ages for that to change the normal social paradigm and propaganda. This is my little contribution to that.